200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

with Nalanda Teachers
03 Nov 2024 - 24 Nov 2024 (22 days)

Our Yoga Alliance Standard-compliant 200-hour teacher training program in Goa offers a comprehensive foundation for aspiring Yoga Teachers.

This program equips you with the necessary skills and knowledge to teach yoga across the globe.

With a focus on fundamental principles and techniques, you'll gain confidence and expertise in guiding yoga classes.

Immersed in a supportive learning environment, you'll develop teaching abilities and deepen your personal practice.

Upon completion, you'll be ready to embark on a fulfilling journey as a certified Yoga Teacher.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training


06.30 AM – 07.00 AM: Morning Pranayama, Meditation, Chanting & Kriya yoga
07.00 AM – 09.00 AM: Morning Asana Practice
09.00 AM – 10.00 AM: Breakfast Time
10.00 AM – 01.00 PM: Chanting, Philosophy,
01.00 PM - 02.00 PM: Lunch Break
02.00 PM – 03.30 PM: Theory Sessions (Teaching Methodology, Anatomy)
03.45 PM – 05.15 PM: Afternoon Yoga Practice
Analytical Training: Alignment + Adjustment
05.30 PM – 07.00 PM: Evening practice including Asana, Meditation, or Breathing
Techniques / Teaching Practicum

*The schedule id subject to change


Non-Residency 1250 Euro.

Included Accommodation and three meals starting from 1999 Euro.


  • Accommodation inclusive, bed linen, bath towels, hand soap & housekeeping services
  • Three buffet meals breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 
  • Filtered drinking water & hot drinks including lemon ginger and chai (full day)
  • Full use of resort amenities including two swimming pools, relaxation areas, gardens and private beach access with sun loungers
  • Wifi in rooms and public Area. 
  • Pool towels - beach towels not included
  • Smoke free environment


  • Travel insurance
  • Transfers
  • Flights to and from the location
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Teacher

About the Teacher

Akhilesh Bodhi, founder of Mahamukti Yoga, is a highly experienced Yoga instructor, Reiki master, and spiritual mentor. With a deep understanding of Yoga spanning decades, he has developed an inclusive method that blends traditional practices with modern influences. Akhilesh's teaching style combines Ashtanga Vinyasa, Hatha Yoga, and Raj Yoga, creating a holistic approach suitable for practitioners worldwide. He has traveled globally, conducting Yoga classes, retreats, and workshops in various countries and has studied under esteemed teachers such as Geeta Iyengar, Prashant Iyengar, and Ramananda Patel. Akhilesh's personal journey includes a background in running a family business, training at Chinmaya Tapovan Ashram, and embarking on a transformative pilgrimage through the Himalayas.

Content of The Course:

Shad Kriyas: Theory and practice, Techniques and practicalJala Neti, Shankhaprakshalana, Kapalbhati, Trataka

Three Bandhas: Moola Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, Jalandhara Bandha, Maha Bandha

: Prana & Pranic Body, Abdominal/Diaphragmatic Breathing, Thoracic Breathing,

Full Yogic Breathing, Alternate Nostril Breathing, Sheetali Pranayama, Sheetkari Pranayama, Bhramari Pranayama, Ujjayi Pranayama, Bhastrika Pranayama, Kapalbhati

Mudras - Energy Gesture of body, hand, and head

Meditation - Guided meditation, Dynamic Meditations, Kundalini Meditation, Chakra meditation, nada Brahma meditation.

Mantras and Chanting - Holy chanting Mantra to invoke the universal power within.

Asana Practice includes - Warm-up exercises & Sun Salutation in a few variations Ashtanga, Hatha, Vinyasa Flow, and Iyengar Yoga Asana practice presents various styles

Art of teaching - Ethics of teacher, intention & attitude, teaching styles, observation, instruction, and voice modulation during
instructions, how to create sequencing for beginners intermediate, and advanced classes.

Preparation for Yoga Teacher:
To know the basic Anatomy of alignment – the theory behind asana practice, safety aspects.
- Art of communication to teach and practice Yoga without injuries. During the practice of how to adjust – verbal, hands-on, use of props, the art of touch – physical adjustment

Anatomy & Physiology:
Modern Human anatomy like - Skeletal and Muscular systems, respiratory system, the key muscles of hatha yoga, the Endocrine system, and Digestive systems.

Yoga and Health – Basic Elements of Yoga Therapy.
Yogic Anatomies like five Koshas {sheaths}, Three bodies, Nadis, and the Seven Chakra theory
Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle, and Ethics for Yoga Teachers (20 hours to 30 hours)

History of Yoga -  Four Paths of Yoga -  Gyana Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras and their interpretations (selection); 8 limbs of yoga and their meaning and its four chapters.

Ethics for Yoga Teachers:
Importance and duties of a Yogi.
Role of a yogi in this Modern world.
Daily Duties of a Yogi – Dincharya Self-discipline (cleanliness, prayer)
Daily asana, pranayama, and meditation practice.
Teaching Feedback – receiving & giving

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